

Cares Act (PDF)

Cares Act Information for College of Alameda

On March 27th, 2020, the federal government passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
(Cares Act) which established the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). HEERF is to assist
enrolled students and higher education institutions during the unprecedented financial crisis caused by the
coronavirus pandemic.

The College of Alameda (CoA) received CARES Act Relief Funding, and we returned to the Department of
Education the Certification and Agreement with the assurance that we intend to use no less than 50 percent of
the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to

CoA was allocated a total of $1,049,170 of which 50% ($524,585) was designated for student emergency
financial aid grants, and 50% ($524,585) was directed for institutional support.

Please see the following for more information regarding the management of the CARES funding at CoA:
The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1)
of the CARES Act as of the date of submission (i.e., as of the 30-day Report and every 45 days

As of August 26th, CoA has disbursed $524,585 of the CARES funds allocation to students.
The estimated total number of students at the institution eligible to participate in programs under
Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency
Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act?

There were 1415 students who were eligible to participate in Title IV programs.
The total number of students who have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students under
Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act?

There are 1263 students who have received an emergency financial aid grant.

The method(s) was used by the institution to determine which students receive Emergency Financial Aid
Grants and how much they would receive under Section18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act?

Emergency Financial Aid Grants are distributed to students enrolled in the spring 2020 semester on March 10,
2020. This date coincides with the Peralta Community College District decision to move to remote and online programs and instruction due to COVID-19.

Grant amounts range from $150 to $500 and are distributed based on enrollment status as well as a student’s
level of financial need as defined by the 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and
California Dream Act Application (CADAA).

Instructions, directions, or guidance provided by the institution to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants: The following information is important for emergency grant eligibility at CoA:  Students should have completed a 2019-2020 FAFSA or California Dream Act Application for College of Alameda.  Students should be enrolled for the Spring 2020 semester at CoA and have at least one active class as of March 10, 2020.  Students should be enrolled in at least one on-campus course for the Spring 2020 semester.  Students who are 100 percent distance learning (fully online) class loads are ineligible for funding under CARES Act regulations.  The following letter was sent to students and posted on the college webpage:

Dear CoA Community,

Supporting our students throughout the COVID 19 pandemic remains a priority of the College of Alameda team. We understand that students have experienced unanticipated financial hardships. I am pleased to announce that College of Alameda has received $524,585 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security ( Act, earmarked exclusively for direct financial assistance to students.

These funds will be distributed to students enrolled in the spring 2020 semester on March 10, 2020. This date coincides with the Peralta Community College District decision to move to remote and online programs and instruction due to COVID 19.

Grant amounts range from $150 to $500 and are distributed based on enrollment status as well as a studentstudent’s level of financial need as defined by the 2019 2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( and California Dream Act Application (College of Alameda also received Minority Serving Institution CARES funds and is distributing based on student identified ethnic data.)

CARES student enrollment status eligibility:
•  Completed a 2019 2020 FAFSA or California Dream Act Application for College of Alameda.
• Enrolled for the Spring 2020 semester at College of Alameda and have at least one active class as of March 10, 2020.
• Enrolled in at least one on campus course for the Spring 2020 semester.
• 100 percent distance learning (fully online) class loads are ineligible for funding under CARES Act regulations.

Prior to receiving the CARES funds, College of Alameda distributed Student Equity and Achievement emergency grants in the amount of $500 and $100 emergency grocery cards form Hunger Free Campus funds. Additionally, the college continues to distribute emergency grants through Project Success funds based on need.

Students eligible and receiving a CARES award will see it in their Financial Aid Summary in the PeopleSoft Student Center. CARES funds will be processed by the Financial Aid Office and disbursed to students through BankMobile by the end of July 2020.

If you have questions regarding this announcement or BankMobile please email the Financial Aid Office at or call (748-2391)


Tina Vasconcellos
Tina Vasconcellos, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Services


HEERF-quarterly-reporting-Sept 30, 2020

HEERF-quarterly-reporting-Dec 31, 2020

HEERF-quarterly-reporting-March 31, 2021

HEERF quarterly reporting – June 30, 2021

HEERF quarterly reporting – September 30, 2021

HEERF quarterly reporting – December 31, 2021