
Peralta Association of African American Affairs to Award Eight Scholarships

The Peralta Association of African American Affairs is awarding eight scholarships to African and African-American students for their outstanding academic achievements, leadership skills, community service, and to assist them in continuing their education.


  • Plan to be enrolled in at least six (6) degree applicable units at a community college or four-year institution in Fall 2021.

Note: Proof of Fall 2021 college enrollment is required to receive the scholarship.

  • Enrolled in at least six (6) degree applicable units at student’s home PCCD College, Spring 2021.
  • Must have completed a minimum of twenty-four (24) degree-applicable units within the Peralta Community College District as of Fall 2020 with a 3.0 cumulative degree-applicable GPA (grade point average).
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation: at least one from faculty or staff member at student’s home PCCD college.

The completed application packet, (including two letters of recommendation), must be submitted by Friday, April 9th, 2021. The name of your school’s representative must be listed in the subject line of the email.

Please click the link to complete the application. For the printable application click here. All completed documents must be emailed to