ASCOA Campaign 2020

2020-21 Associated Students of College of Alameda Senator Candidates

Associated Students, College of Alameda Senator elections will be help November 5-11, 2020.  Please check your email during these dates to case your vote!

Candidate Jacob AhmedHello everyone! I hope you all are doing well. My name is Jacob Ahmed. I am a sophomore at the University of California.  College of Alameda otherwise known as UC-COA, majoring in Civil Engineering. Born and raised in the bay area, I consider these crossroads of cultures, peoples, and languages my home. Here’s a little bit of personal information to help get to know me better. I love to socialize. Love talking with people, cracking jokes, and making people smile. I also like to stargaze and talk about the most absolutely useless things ever, like why I purposely train my cat to attack my father. When I am not trying to murder myself via studying physics and other college classes, I love to watch anime (as one should). My favorite anime would definitely be Serial Experiments Lain for sentimental reasons. Other than anime my favorite American shows are Friends and Game of Thrones. Lastly, I love to learn about the past and also learn other languages and Calligraphy! I am fluent in

English, colloquial in Arabic and Spanish. I can hold a conversation (assuming their 3 years old or below) in Hindi, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Norwegian, and Nepali. Quite an advantageous skill, if I do say myself. After I retire from whatever profession I end up getting, I want to travel to many impoverished countries and experience the life that I could have lived and learn their languages, way of life, etc.

Onwards to the boring part. I attended school in Alameda and decided to willingly go to community college because I did not want to spiral into debt. I thought the College of Alameda would be the greatest choice, after all, most of my friends from junior and senior high school would be attending as well. As most people do, I have a main goal in life. In the grand scheme of things, it’s to survive. To be able to support me and the rest of my family should they need help. Furthermore, as a human, it is also to assist others in any possible way I can manage. During my first semester of college, I helped numerous different people with their studies. Created study groups or just meeting up with anyone that needed help. I wasn’t a tutor, but I did it because I didn’t want to see others that have already put so much hope and effort into getting an education at the College of Alameda fail. Since

I was excelling, sitting on my rear end at home was a waste. Next semester I joined the LRC and now I assist many people through zoom. Before Covid-19 I used to do quite a bit of volunteering at Food Bank, Animal Shelters, and other community-related organizations. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible, however, I believe now is a perfect chance to help and improve the state of my college that I will be devoting some of the most important years of my life to. I don’t want to transfer without doing something to better this successful establishment. As a result, I decided to start shooting for Senator. As a Senator, I will try my hardest to do whatever is in my power to not only improve how the College of Alameda functions but to also bring students together and achieve academic success.

Hello College of Alameda students my name is Matthew Morrow and I am here to run as a senator. I have been at College of Alameda for about a year and half and I am majoring in communications to transfer. I was in the Marine Corps and when I was time ended I went straight to COA hearing it was the best out of the Peralta Colleges. The reason I am running is because I want improve campus life and school spirit.

Candidate – Rasha  Aboughanem

Candidate -Kawkab Ahmed

Candidate -Jacob Ahmed

Candidate -Johnnie Caldwell

Candidate -Yaman Dobashi

Candidate -Milkias Haile

Candidate -Shiyun Jiang

Candidate -Dhaman Munassar

Candidate -Sophia  Reyes

Candidate -Lauren Wallace