Faculty Webpages

Name: Herbert “Scott” Albright  


Position: Diesel Mechanics & ATLAS Professor
School/Location: Alameda
Phone: (510) 748-2306
E-mail: salbright@peralta.edu
Office/Classroom:  E-Building


Scott holds the following certifications: AA, Chabot College, CAT certified, Cummins certified, GMC certified, Eaton certified, SAE Certified, Ford Master Technician, and A.S.E. Master Technician.

If you have any questions in regards to our Diesel & Truck Mechanic Programs, please do not hesitate to call or email me. If you wish to have a meeting, call in advance for an appointment.


Transportation Technology


Additional Resources

Name: Mike D. “Mike Robertson  


Position: Truck Mechanics Instructor
Periodic Smoke Inspection Program Instructor / Department Chair
School/Location: Alameda
Phone: (510) 748-2393
E-mail: mrobertson@peralta.edu


Mike holds the following certifications: BVE, MIA, San Francisco State University, CAT certified Cummins Certified, Detroit Diesel Certified, Eaton certified and SAE Certified.

If you have any questions in regards to our Diesel & Truck Mechanic Programs, please do not hesitate to call or email me. If you wish to have a meeting, call in advance for an appointment.


Transportation Technology