Puente Mentor Experience
The College of Alameda Puente Project is continuously seeking mentors. As a mentor, you will make a difference in a Puente student’s life by:
- Developing a genuine encouraging relationship
- Sharing your academic and career experiences
- Providing encouragement and support to maintain an academic focus
- Validating Puente students’ strengths and potential as future professionals
- Sharing strategies to overcome obstacles
- Motivating Puente students to complete transfer goals
- Be an additional resource as needed
Puente Mentor Expectations
- Attend a Puente Mentor orientation/training session (Specific date/times TBD)
- Meet with and maintain contact with your Puente Mentee
- Attend Puente Student/Mentor mixer (once a semester)
- Attend Noche de Familia (Fall-November) and End of the Year Celebration (Spring-May)